Sunday, February 12, 2006


I'm always amazed when wonderful actors participate in terrible films. I find myself distracted from the movie wondering how much money they took to act in such crap. Surely, they knew it was crap when they signed on. Alas, this 'chick flick' is a prime example of a terrible idea on paper looking even worse when lensed. You have your stereotypical older divorced woman-seeking-guy character and her meddling sisters plus the cliche gay friend character who gives her advice. It was almost offensively bad, that's how much I disliked this movie. And it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm a guy. I can be a sucker for a romantic cheesy movie as much as the next guy/girl, but this film was just BAD. Even though I didn't pay to rent this (we borrowed it from SHE's boss), is it possible to ask someone for her money back?!?


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